Friday, July 20, 2012

A Terrible Tragedy

Today is an incredibly sad day for my hometown of Aurora, CO. My heart breaks for these families. The families who lost loved ones to this senseless violence. The families who were there and injured. Those who know people personally affected by all of this. It is all so sad. When I first heard about this this morning was, "OMG. My students!" After that I thought about all the people I know who live in this community and I just hoped that I didn't know anyone who was at the theater last night. So far, I don't think I know anyone involved. I've contacted students on my student facebook and as far as I can tell they are all safe.

I'm feeling several emotions right now. The first I want to address is my frustration at people who are quick to bash Aurora. Let me first say that these people did not ask for this to happen. This was not "gang" related, it seems that so many want to blame Aurora for all the gang problems in this state. This was a senseless act of violence by an obviously troubled person. Let's face it, this man could have done this ANYWHERE. It just happened that he was in Aurora. He could have done this in San Diego where he was from. He could have done this in another part of Colorado, then what would people say then? My thoughts go to another terrible tragedy that struck Colorado in April of 1999. That massive school shooting did not happen in Aurora. This is not the time to bash a city that is experiencing a horrible, senseless act of violence. I am glad that my facebook news feed has not seen those kind of comments. But, I have several friends who are posting about what their friends are saying. And it just seems so wrong to say things like, "only in Aurora." Or "that's why I don't go to Aurora." Or some other remark that puts the city down.

There are several different people who live in Aurora from so many backgrounds. If you have watched the news at all today, you will find that diversity is represented in the interviews people are given. They are from all walks of life. And personally that is what I find wonderful about Aurora. Just a few facts. The Aurora Public Schools alone represent 135 countries and speak more than 115 languages. Talk about diversity! We joke at school that we have our own little UN here in Aurora. My point is that there are good people and bad people EVERYWHERE! Not just in Aurora. And Aurora is a huge city and there are going to be good parts and bad parts. Just like in Denver or anywhere else you choose to live. This is a time to come together as a community and help those who were affected and need love and support in this time of need.

I sit here thinking about the families and hoping they can cope and get through this horrible situation. I am reminded of other tragedies I've seen. Columbine. 9/11. This. I just don't understand what happens to a person to make them do something like this to the innocent. I can't imagine being one of the people waiting to know what happened to my friend or family member. My heart just breaks for those who still don't know where their loved ones are. I hope the families get their answers soon and that they find their loved ones alive.

I have many thoughts going through my mind today. Hopefully I can find better words to express my feelings in the days ahead. For now I'm glad that Martin, baby and myself are safe. I'm glad my family is safe. I'm glad my friends are safe. And I'm glad that my students are safe. I hope the friends and family of those I know are all safe as well. This does make me realize all the good I have, but how quickly things can change. Right now I'll continue to pray for those victims of this tragedy and look for a way to help my hometown in the days ahead.

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